Watch Us Break Some Leashes
Why are we intentionally breaking surfboard leashes? Because at Surf Stash, we care very much about the safety of our customers. Find out how we test our Stashes here.
At Surf Stash, we take product safety very seriously, so we developed our Stashes from the very beginning with the following three requirements, because our Wax Stash and Key Stash must never jeopardize a surfer’s safety.
First, we designed our Surf Stashes so that they must not interfere with the surfboard leash cuff lock around a surfer’s ankle because your leash must stay connected until you want to remove it.
Second, we designed our Stashes so that they must not interfere with your ability to quickly remove your leash when you want or need to.
And third, we designed our Stashes so that that they must remain attached to your leash cuff until you take them off so that you never need worry about losing the stuff you carry in them like your electronic car key that can cost hundreds of dollars to replace.